Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hope Now

In the last weeks and months, I have often become weary; not because of my own troubles but because of troubles of those that surround us.

But God is HOPE!

I often pray but then wonder, "how can THIS be fixed?"

But God is HOPE!

I look around and it seems HURT is everywhere.

But God is HOPE!

Please take the time to watch this video. There is HOPE and I praise His name.

A couple of the things that Pete says in this video that I love are this:

"How you respond to the unmet expectations, how you respond to the hopelessness, how you respond to the shattered dream, how you respond to the crisis CAN be and WILL be a defining moment in your life."

"There will be a moment when you feel you have no options, you're going to feel like the dark is closing in on you, you're going to feel like you're all alone, you're gonna feel like it's over....but it's not over."

"God will allow pain and God will allow suffering and God will allow unexpected crisis in order to detach our hope from other things and attach it to Himself."

"What I do know is what God desires more than anything else is that you would find your HOPE in Him, in the MIDST of the crisis, in the MIDST of the hopeless situation, you would find your hope in Him, even though there is no circumstantial reason to have hope. Because it's while we're in the waiting that God begins to transform our hearts."

The story told in the video relates to marriage but applies to so much more.

God is HOPE...Praise Him!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You are so right this does not only relate to marriage hope goes along with every situation in life.

God is Hope!!!

This is a wonderful video and I am so glad you shared it with us.