Sunday, April 10, 2011

Friends With News

Our sweet friends, The Hulshofs, received their referral(s) on Friday !!!

We have gotten a sneak peek at the faces of two cute girls who will soon be Hulshofs and are so excited for this family, whom we love so much.

If you don't already, follow them here and watch the rest of this story take place.

The hope is that Chris & Valerie will have a court date in June. Typically, the return visit to bring the girls home would be a matter of weeks later (sometimes 3-4, sometimes 6 or more). If things work out the way that it looks like they will, I hope to be able to visit the girls (Hannah and Aby) and take them a care package while I'm in Ethiopia in early July.

I am so excited for this family and eagerly watching God unfold the story of their family.

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