Happy 11th Birthday! I hope that, this year, you learn more, love more, live more and be all that you can be. I pray that you never lose your sweet, sweet spirit (even in the upcoming teenage years) and that you always know how very much Jesus loves you; not to mention your Daddy and I.
Braeden, I love that you are so loyal to your friends. I also love that part of you that will NOT allow you to tell me you love me without also telling your Daddy (for fear that he might get his feelings hurt) and vice versa.
This time next year, you'll be in Middle School and I can hardly believe it. In my mind, you'll always be my baby. You and your brother are our greatest blessings! Thanks for being just who God made you to be.
I love you!!!

We had Braeden's birthday a week early (on Friday March 21st). He wanted to have a sleepover with a few of his closest friends. He also asked that we go to O'Charleys for dinner which we did. The boys are all awesome kids and we enjoyed their company. We are so grateful for Braeden's friends:

Cameron - our neighbor

Samuel - a long-time friend from church. Braeden and Samuel starting going to THBC together 9 months before they were born and have been friends ever since.
Gideon - like Samuel, a long time friend from church.

Luke - Braeden and Luke have been friends since they were 4 years old and their 9/10 year old brothers played football together. Tom and Lynda, by the way, are the only friends we know who have 2 boys who are the same age as ours. Braeden & Luke crack us all up in that, no matter how long they've been apart, once they are together they pick back up just as if they'd seen on another the day before. That and the fact that, without ever consulting with one another, they are always somehow "into" the same things. Imagine my surprise when I received an email from Lynda about the party and she shared with me that Luke had taken up guitar....just like Braeden. As it turns out, they started lessons within 1-2 weeks of one another.
Happy Birthday to Braeden. Great friends are always such a blessing especially in the lives of our children.
Braeden is a blessing to all of us. Happy late Birthday Braeden!
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