....was the day that I married my best friend. Cliche', I know, but very true.
When I think about all that had to happen for Jeff & I to meet, I am reminded of the sovereignty of God. He moved our families to the same small town the exact same year (mine from Nashville and his from Camden). I won't go into all of the details of it, but let me just say that the song "God Bless the Broken Road" comes to mind because, in the end, regardless of what our families went through during those years, God used even that as a blessing.
Today, as I look back, I wouldn't change a thing (except maybe those really ugly dresses my bridesmaids wore). In all seriousness.....
I am so very thankful to be your wife and as I often say, love you more today than I did yesterday. As I've shared on this blog, my favorite time of day is when I hear the sound of the garage door opening and know that you are home.
Nineteen years ago, I could have never imagined that someday I would love you MORE than I did that very day but I definitely do.
I look forward to our future with so much excitement. I am certainly blessed to be sharing this life with you.
Thank you for being the person that God intended you to be.
Love You,
I think I might barf.
Not because of the mushy stuff you said (Happy Anniversary!) but because you reminded me of that peach taffeta thing I wore with the gigantic bows on the shoulders.
Or was it taffeta? I just remember it made a lot of noise.
Hey Sweety. Thanks so much for your comments and I hope you know that I feel the exact same way about you, our relationship and about who God is making you be. I am just so thankful that I get to watch Him take you from being the person you have been and turning you into the person you are today. Not that there were problems with who you were, but just seeing Him more in you day by day, is like watching a flower opening, and it always looks new and it always is prettier than the day before. I love you.
how sweet!!!!! but seriously...peach taffeta and bows?!? it's a wonder they are still you're friends, lol. :)
Happy Anniversary to one of the sweetest couples I know! I love you both!
I think you all are the best. Thanks for feeding us once a month. Wait a second, twice a month. Really appreciate you all letting Jordan go to hockey games with me. I enjoy spending time with him. Alan
Congratulations!! What a lovely letter to you hubby. How great to hear ~~ 19 years and still going strong. God is good!
Bless you dear one,
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