Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Help Bring Them Home

Some GREAT things have come out of my recent trip to Ethiopia. Many relationships were built, God was glorified (and continues to be), little Baby E received surgery AND there are several former orphans who will soon join their forever families.

One of my OH team members (Kim) and her family have begun the process to adopt two precious girls that we met on our trip.

She has begun fundraising and I'd love for you to go over to her site and pitch in. She has some great t-shirts that you can purchase (I can hardly wait to start wearing mine) and she's doing a great raffle give-away.

Go on over here and do your part in helping to bring two sweet girls home. Every dollar (and every prayer...remember this family in yours) helps.

"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you" James 14:18

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So happy your trip went well! How exciting for your friend to be adopting 2 little girls. I jus love that. Reading this makes me want to adopt a child from Ethiopia too.