Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cruisin' 2009 - Sunsets

At the risk of boring ALL 2 OF YOU completely to death, I have decided to do several posts about our recent cruise. Sorry! I have LOTS of pictures and though I could simply put them in slideshow form (and quickly put you to sleep), I someday hope to print my blog in book-form and a slideshow simply won't work for this. order to preserve some of the memories here, I have decided to do various posts highlighting different aspects of the trip.

Jeff decided early on that he wanted to get pictures of the sunset(s) each night. He was so faithful to check the Cruise TV station and get the exact time of sunset each day. No matter where we were or what we were doing, he would excuse himself to snap those shots. Here are just a few. One from each day (in no particular order):

1 comment:

Helen Edlin said...

Beautiful Sunsets! Good idea Jeff.
Next time get up for the Sunrises!