In bullet-point style, here are some things that were revealed to me in my Bible Study this week:
- You and I were created to praise God; so let's spend priority time doing what we came to do.
- When King Jehoshaphat and God's people were nearly overcome by a vast army of joint forces, II Chronicles tells us what he did after he sought the Lord. In verse 20, singers walked ahead of the Army thanking and praising Him along the way. And, in verse 21 we see that when they arrived, God had caused the armies to begin fighting amongst themselves.
- Psalms 134:1 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) says, "Now praise the Lord, all your servants of the Lord who stand in the Lord's house at night!". "NOW" is the first word of that verse. "Now" is when and where we should begin praising Him. Don't wait! Praise God the second you don't feel like it. The second you feel defeated! Your tempter tempts you to praise God the least when you need to praise the most. A true psalmist praises his way to victory, knowing it will come because the praise itself renders the first blow to his enemy's brow.
- God's faithfulness then calls for man's gratefulness. Gratitude follows grace as thunder follows lightning.
- The destination of any trip sets the tone of travel. You and I are not on our way to a funeral like many of those who surround us. WE who are in Christ are on our way to a wedding of such glorious and expensive proportions that we'll have to change our clothes from mortal to immortal just to survive the thrill. Yes, as the Psalmist said, joy cometh in the morning (Psalms 30:5) but the very anticipation invites it into our night.
loving your blog .. thank you so much for your comment ... what amazing truths from the Father ... I have seen Him miracles for us lately and bring us out of the valley back to the mountain tops ... All glory to Him ...
Thanks so much for stopping by !!!! You have truly blessed me ...
Beautiful post!!
I love all of the points but especially the last one. I never thought of it that way you are so right we are headed to a wedding feast not a funeral. Love it thanks!
Kelley, Thank you so much for visiting my blog, today, and leaving such words of encouragement. You are awesome and God is using you in great ways. Thank you again.
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