Friday, July 25, 2008

Fetus Friday (Did I really just type that?)

Ministry So Fabulous is an awesome blog that I frequent. Its writer, Amy Beth, is such a hoot; she's cute, she's witty, she's fun, she's real, she has great hair and this great ministry Starlite. In addition, Amy Beth has a new roommate (aka "Roomie") who is expecting a sweet baby soon. In preparation for this little bundle, Amy Beth is hosting something called Fetus Fridays. I believe the deal is that each Friday, they (Amy Beth and Roomie) will post a question or questions that they have regarding baby, delivery, etc. But, in addition to their question(s), they also have simply asked for our advice. You know, all those little things that you wish someone had told you.

So with that in mind, I want to share the following recipe for what we called Happy Hiney Cream. It's the best diaper rash ointment ever and sometimes you can get the pharmacist to actually mix it for you. For those grumpy pharmacists that will not, that's can do it yourself. You simply mix together Zinc Oxide, Lotrimin AF and Maalox. The Maalox can make the cream too runny so, oftentimes, I would mix the other two ingredients and then dab the Maalox on top with a cotton ball.


Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

What great advice! Printing this out so we'll have it to refer back on... thank you so much for taking the time to post it!

Natalie Witcher said...

I'm so glad you came by the blog! I'll be praying for your guys and the ladies they meet one day.